During the first part of the January I was playing catch-up with all my accounting information. I am pretty organized now and want to keep it that way.
Here is the new sample for the Free Motion Fantasy quilting workshop that I offer. I taught my first workshop of 2007 and used my video camera with the projector for the demonstrations. It was great! It was like all 12 students were the one student that puts their head in front of all the other students so no one else can see. Everyone sat in their seats and watch the demonstartion with great clarity.
I am thankful to the QuiltTeach yahoo group that I belong to and Bonnie MacCaffery for sharing a picture of the set-up that she uses. After looking at her picture Tom was able to use parts from a broken tripod and swing arm lamp to make using the camera even better. I can’t wait to use it for the Hands-on-Demo for the Needle and Thread Approach to the Folded Hexagon. Here is my latest project that I have completed yesterday. I made a color wheel like this about 1 1/2 years ago, but I only had 32 flying geese in the outer circle, so when I sewed the other circle onto the inner circle I had to offset the colors you it wouldn’t notice there was not three of each of the inner circle colors. I wanted to make one with the 36 flying geese (light, medium, and dark of each of the 12 colors in the center) and have the colors next to each other in the inner circle and outer circle. So, finally it’s completed. Just in time for the next MAQGNet resouce brouchure.
Here are a couple of pictures of my newest Hexabags (TM). Now to get the patterns made for them. I hope Tom is ready for this next adventure since he is my #1 editor and finds all my erros and inconsistencies.
This Hexabag (TM) was the result of a pincushion challenge at Empire Quilters. I decided that I would make my pincushion from folded hexagons. Well as my pincushion was sitting on the table I thought that would make a cute bag, all I would need to do was add a zipper and make the hexagons larger. So here it is!
Ooohh I really want the yello-green-orange one with the zipper. Maybe I can help you make another one like that one and I can have that one 🙂