I used all the pieces leftover – even all the diamonds!
It was great cleaning up after this project because I didn’t have a bunch of smaller pieces of fabric …………….. yah for FUN BACKS!!!!!!
Archive for the ‘Quilt: The Graduation Quilt (aka The Cougar Quilt #2)’ Category
The Graduation Quilt Update
Wednesday, August 19th, 2009What were you doing six years agao?
Wednesday, August 12th, 2009Six years ago Tom was at Scout Camp and I was working on finishing the Cougar Quilt for Jennie to take to college.
What am I doing this week – the same thing. Tom is at Scout Camp and I am working on the Cougar Quilt #2 – except Jennie has graduated and it is a really belated graduation present. If you are wondering why I am making the exact same quilt again……read all about it here (Scroll down to read the part about the Cougar quilt). . The flowers are all appliqued and just wanting to be pieced into the top. What to see the flowers – check here.
Last night I put the cougar together. I had started another cougar but the fabric was not quite right, so I finally decided to just bit the bullet and redo the cougar. I am so much happier with it now. In fact, I think that incorrect fabric choice is what has been holding me back. By finally deciding to just start over I am much happier with the cougar and excited to work on this project.
A little sewing last week!
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009When I was packing for my trip to Utah I did a much better job packing the things I would need for a couple of project that I wanted to work on than I did for clothing. Needless to say, my family out there probably got sick of seeing the same clothes all week long.
I debated about taking my thread box, but I decided to and it was a good thing I did.
I completed the applique on the flower blocks for the Graduation Quilt (AKA Cougar Quilt #2). You can read about why I am remaking this quilt here.
Projects for this past week
Monday, February 11th, 2008

I encountered some problems when working on the mountains but, finally finshed piecing them this week. I have some of the flower blocks appliqued. I will try and do a couple of them this coming week.
This is another one of my UFOs. All these stars are from an international swap I particiapted in a few years ago. This week I have been embroidering the name of the maker and where they are from. The quilt’s name will be called “Stars from All-over” or I just had a thought, maybe I should call it “Quilting Stars from All-over”. Have to give that some thought. Might be a fun play on words – the star comes from all over and also the person (Quilter) is a star and they are from all over.
And I sewed 13 wheelchair bags this week.
The Seven Year Itch
Monday, November 26th, 2007constructed by Mary Anne Ciccotelli
Pelham, New York
November 2000 – November 2007
This project was started November 2000 in Ames, Iowa. My daughter Emily and I went to visit Iowa State University during her senior year to see the campus and check out the programs the school offered. Her boyfriend (at the time) was attending Iowa State, so needless to say, I had a lot of time to fill by myself. Luckily, there was a JoAnn’s fabric store in Ames. I found a book with the pattern for this advent calendar in it. I love to collect nativity scenes so I decided this was the perfect project. I also decided that I should make three – one for me and one for each of my daughters. I purchased little bits of fabric and other needed supplies and started working on the nativity figures that weekend in Iowa.
Each Christmas season, I would pull this project out and do a little more work on it. This past September, as I was preparing for my visit to Idaho, Emily suggested that I bring these wallhangings to Idaho and work on them. I did not quite get them completed while in Idaho, but I did continue to work on them. At last, these projects are off my UFO list.
(From the pattern – Glad Tidings Advent by Art to Heart)
There are 23 figures and the wallhanging. I am thinking put can put the wallhanging up Dec. 1 and then move a figure to the manger scene each day up until Christmas. I only did 24 things because then you can complete the scene on Dec. 24 when you still have time to enjoy it. Because when Christmas comes everyone is usually so busy with the gifts to put the last item on the scene.
This is one of my favorite figues. I love how I used ends of toothpicks for the drumsticks.