I was able to complete sewing the rod pocket and binding down on this quilt this week-end while attending the QPN conference. Many of the members of QPN really liked this quilt, but did not care for the name – Gift Bag Swap quilt. I have had Karen Dever appraise a few of my quilts and she strongly encouraged me to give this quilt a name more fitting the feeling is has. So, after giving this some thought, I have add Happy Memories to the quilt’s name. Happy Memories for a few reasons:
1. It reminds me of the happy times I had in participating in all the online quilting swaps.
2. It reminds me of going to Idaho to celebrate my mother’s life after her death.
3. It reminds me of going to Idaho to celebrate my father’s life after his death.
4. It reminds me of preparing for the QQQ 50 1/2 Birthday Celebration.
Archive for the ‘Quilt: Gift Bag Swap’ Category
Happy Memories – aka The Gift Bag Swap Quilt
Wednesday, April 1st, 2009Decisions, Decisions!
Tuesday, March 24th, 2009Last night at my mini group get together I asked for input in deciding which quilts I should enter into the Northern Star Quilters show. This year each quilter can enter four quilts. So I am planning on entering The Generations Unite, Grandma’s Hexagarden, and that is where the mini group came in. I had three quilts that I was considering, but could only enter two. The one’s that I was considering were:
1. Back to School
2. Turkey Quilt
3. Gift Bag Swap.
The group suggested to enter Back to School and Gift Bag Swap. Do you agree with the mini group?
Regardless of their input, I was planning on blocking the Gift Bag Swap quilt today. I want to sew the binding on later this week and take it with me this week-end to the QPN conference so I can hand sew the binding down. The lighting was great in my living room today and I got some good pictures of the quilting on this quilt.
Quilting completed
Monday, March 2nd, 2009One good thing about this cold that I have, I wake-up really early in the morning with a coughing fit and about the only way to get it to stop is to get up. So, I have had some quite time to quilt the past few mornings. I completed the quilting on The Gift Bag Swap quilt yesterday. Since I did all the circle quilting in the center of the quilt it needs to be blocked. I will do that in the next few days, sew the rod pocket and binding on. I have a QPN conference at the end of this month. Most of my handwork on my other projects is completed, so I am going to try and have a couple of quilts ready to sew binding down on at the conference. (I think I should be able to have this one ready.)
The quilting continues slowly
Thursday, February 26th, 2009I have been quilting grid lines in the background of the borders and it TAKE FOREVER. This type of quilting was inspiried by the gift bag that this quilt is bases on. After reading a post by Feather on a Wire I realize that it is not just me that takes forever to quilt grid lines. I am looking forward to geting to a quilt that has some more freeform to it.I have figured out a better way to do the grid lines though after reading Vivan’s blog. I am using a ruler as my guide – much easier to get straight lines this way. Just have to watch to keep the lines at a 45 degree angle. I ended up having to take out some lines because I didn’t do that very well. Seems that’s the story of this quilt – frog stitching (ripped).
P.S. I LOVE the wool batting!!!!!!!!
Gift Bag Swap quilt
Friday, January 16th, 2009Saturday morning and afternoon was spent taking out this quilting, but since the tension was off it came out pretty easy. I then tried my free motion circles again, but they just weren’t exact enough for me, so I took them out again. One night I dreamed up an idea of how I could get nice even circles.
See the tutorial to see what I am doing.Quilting Circles Tutorial
Friday, January 16th, 20092. Mark the 1/4 sections and draw the outer circle – only on 1/4 of the circle.
5. Cut every slit (which are 1/2″ apart)
Gift Bag Swap & The Generations Unite
Thursday, August 28th, 2008Yesterday when I went down to piece my four block for the Generations unite quilt top I got so excited about the blocks and how they would look together that I had to piece together what I had done.
I think my mother would be proud of what I am doing with her block.
What I have been up to the past few days
Wednesday, August 13th, 2008Over the week-end I worked on embroidering the bees to the center of the Gift Bag Swap quilt. It just needs to be pin basted and it will be ready to quilt. I am planning on trying the wool bat that I purchased at the Northern Star Quilt show. I am excited to work with the wool batting and see how I like it.
Tom is at Boys Scout camp this week. So, I have lots of time to SEW! Monday night I decided to finish quitling the borders on the E-bay Mania quilt.
Last night I worked on putting the binding on. After I had the binding sewn (but not turned to the wrong side and stitch down by hand) I told it was kind of rippley, but I decided that it should be okay, I pressed it and started to sewen the binding down by hand. I completed three sides.
This morning I got up and looked at the quilt with the rippley border and decided that it was not acceptable and I was not going to be able to press it into submission. So, after camp I spent about 1 hours unpicking everything that I did last night.
Waiting for GEORGE to arrive.
My George (quilting machine from APQS) is schedule to be delivered today.
I am really exicted. In anticipation of this event, I pin basted my Morning quilt so it wold be ready to quilt tonight.
Tick-tock! Tick-tock! Just waiting for the delivery person(s) to ring my doorbell!
Giving up on prefection!
Friday, May 16th, 2008I kept thinking I would take some better pictures, but it is RAINING today, so it isn’t going to happen. So, to keep my daughters happy I will work with what I have.
Gift Bag Swap challenge – While in Utah I laid out the arrangement for the flowers on this quilt. I have now finished sewing them on by machine with invisible thread. All I have left on the top is the bees.
Projects for this past week
Monday, February 11th, 2008

I encountered some problems when working on the mountains but, finally finshed piecing them this week. I have some of the flower blocks appliqued. I will try and do a couple of them this coming week.
This is another one of my UFOs. All these stars are from an international swap I particiapted in a few years ago. This week I have been embroidering the name of the maker and where they are from. The quilt’s name will be called “Stars from All-over” or I just had a thought, maybe I should call it “Quilting Stars from All-over”. Have to give that some thought. Might be a fun play on words – the star comes from all over and also the person (Quilter) is a star and they are from all over.
And I sewed 13 wheelchair bags this week.