The Legacy Lives on – Six Generations of Quilters

For Christmas Autumn (age 5) made me a quilt.
Here are a few (maybe more than a few – I am a proud Grandma) progress pictures:

The name of the quilt is: Tricky Squares.

The reason it is tricky is because all the squares have a matching square except two.
Can you find the squares that do not have a match.

Autumn was really excited about giving me this quilt. In fact, on Christmas morning she stopped in the middle of opening her presents and said she wanted me to one my present from her. She sat down on her rocking chair and just watched me.

I can’t believe it – now I will have six generations of quilts in my home.

Grandma with the proud quilt maker.
Thank you Autumn for such a special gift. I will treasure it always!
And thanks to Autumn’s mom (my daughter Emily) for her patience and love in working with Autumn to complete this project and helping her develop a love of sewing.
I will be changing my lecture to be:
The Legacy Lives On – Six Generations of Quilters.

7 Responses to “The Legacy Lives on – Six Generations of Quilters”

  1. lcard says:

    Hey! I found YOU! And as always, you amaze me. Your daughters, and grand-daughters,our so lucky to have you. I can’t believe what you are sharing and teaching them. It really is so beautiful.
    Love you and miss you, Liesa

  2. Randy and Susan Landon says:

    Wow how wonderful. She has learned very well from you and Emily.

  3. Marga says:

    What a treasure-both of them-your little grandchild and the quilt.
    Take good care of them,they are precious.
    Marga in Berlin,Germany

  4. Renee says:

    The is fabulous and only 5 yrs old! You must be one proud Grandma! Bring it to quild meeting… PLEASE!

  5. terificreations says:

    It’s beautiful.

  6. Max and Deanna says:

    That post is priceless. Way to go Autumn!!

  7. Emily W says:

    Thanks for posting about Autumn’s quilt. She really did a wonderful job and she can’t wait to start some more projects.

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