Archive for the ‘Quilt: Fall Surprises’ Category

Falls Surprises (Completed in the Spring)

Friday, May 15th, 2009
I completed Fall Surpries last week. Here the wallhanging is drying after being blocked.

The textile medium really does work – see the spot that I missed and the color penciles washed out when I was washing the quilt?

Here is a picture of the completed quilt.

Little closer view – the leaves really do show up much better the closer you get.
Origianlly the “Surprise” was going to be when you turned the quilt over and saw the leaves on the back – but this quilt had its own surprise in mind.

When I quilted the border I just went around the leaves that were in the batik.

I really like the red leaf especially with the stuff that I couched on the outer edge.

Here is the back of the quilt.


The back leaves didn’t turn out quite like I had planned because the contrast between the thread and the backing fabric was not there. I therefore had to color the leaves in with crayons.

Kind of a fun piece though. It will be fun to have hanging in my studio during the Fall.

I had to add more leaves to the label because I had put a completition date of Nov. 2008 – well I didn’t quite make it. So, I put some more leaves on to cover up the inaccurate information and added the correct date on one of the new leaves.

Falls Surprises

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Over the weekend I finished qulting the center of this quilt. I decided to treat the inner border as if it were part of the center of the quilt. I just could not come up with how I wanted to change the quilting or what design would look good – thus my decision.

Here is the back of the quilt showing the shadow quilting. (I LOVE George and I LOVE quilting on it.)

Now I need to order the textile mediums that I need so I can treat the colored pencil work so it will be permanent. And to figure out how I am going to quilt the outer borders.

Fall Surprises

Wednesday, November 5th, 2008
Another UFO pulled out from the deep dark. I started this project in 2005. After quilting #13 with the thread changes in the back I decided that I wanted to try and do something alittle more planned with the thread changes. So, I started Fall Surprises.I pieced the top using Fall color batiks and then enlarged a leaf and quilted the design into the top. As I worked on it in 2005 I decided that I wanted the leaves to show up alittle more than just the quitling lines. I have been looking for just the right edge for a couple of years. Last May at the Northern Star Quilters show I bought this metalic cording, just right I hoped. (Here is how the top is today after working on it again in 2008.)
This week I pulled out this project and started to work on it again. I couched the metalic cording around the edges of the leaves. Added the vein lines with Razzle Dazzle thread but decided that I still wanted more defination to the leaves. I tried my crayon trick, but wasn’t quite convinced after doing the red leaf. I just purchased Caryl Bryer Fallert’s machine quiling DVDs and in there she talks about using Prismacolor pencils to add contrast where needed. Off to Michaels to purchase some Prismacolor pencils. I like working with them, but now to figure out how to make the color permanent. I don’t like getting blue when I rub against the blue leaf.

Here is the back of the quilt. Back in 2005 when I started this project I didn’t think the leaves showed up like I wanted them to with my bobbin color change theory, so I used crayons to define where the leaves are. The zig-zag stitching is from couching the metalic cording on the front of the quilt.

Close-up of one of the leaves.