Fall Surprises

Another UFO pulled out from the deep dark. I started this project in 2005. After quilting #13 with the thread changes in the back I decided that I wanted to try and do something alittle more planned with the thread changes. So, I started Fall Surprises.I pieced the top using Fall color batiks and then enlarged a leaf and quilted the design into the top. As I worked on it in 2005 I decided that I wanted the leaves to show up alittle more than just the quitling lines. I have been looking for just the right edge for a couple of years. Last May at the Northern Star Quilters show I bought this metalic cording, just right I hoped. (Here is how the top is today after working on it again in 2008.)
This week I pulled out this project and started to work on it again. I couched the metalic cording around the edges of the leaves. Added the vein lines with Razzle Dazzle thread but decided that I still wanted more defination to the leaves. I tried my crayon trick, but wasn’t quite convinced after doing the red leaf. I just purchased Caryl Bryer Fallert’s machine quiling DVDs and in there she talks about using Prismacolor pencils to add contrast where needed. Off to Michaels to purchase some Prismacolor pencils. I like working with them, but now to figure out how to make the color permanent. I don’t like getting blue when I rub against the blue leaf.

Here is the back of the quilt. Back in 2005 when I started this project I didn’t think the leaves showed up like I wanted them to with my bobbin color change theory, so I used crayons to define where the leaves are. The zig-zag stitching is from couching the metalic cording on the front of the quilt.

Close-up of one of the leaves.

One Response to “Fall Surprises”

  1. Max and Deanna says:

    That is such a great feeling to finished a project–but my projects are very, very easy compared to yours. That quilt looks great!!

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