Is there a cure for a "Hexamanic"?

The Hexamania continues. I have been folding 4 1/2″ hexagons out of all different colored batiks and they will be used for…..

And you may be wondering what I am going to do with all these “Hexapins“.

A Hexamanic can never have to many “Hexapins”.
But really…………..
I am going to take them with to Houston to sale to unsuspecting quilters that are just waiting to be bitten by the “Hexabug“.

On Saturday Anne and I traveled to Hershey, PA for Quilt Odyssey for an outstanding show. Pictures from the show in a couple of days. While in Pennsylvania I purchased some wonderful batiks that were just asking to be made in to “Easy Does It Hexabags“.

One of the vendors was The Crazy Quilter owned by Alicia Whitehouse. What a delightful stop. She was selling these wonderful buttons. As soon as I saw them I knew that they would be the perfect embellishments for my new “Hexabags“. The buttons are so new that they are not on her website yet so you can just email ( her to purchase them.

Well – back to the Hexastone (aka grind stone).

7 Responses to “Is there a cure for a "Hexamanic"?”

  1. Robyn says:

    Oooh sounds like such a great time.
    Wishing you a successful time as you pass on the Hexmania 😀

  2. Randy and Susan Landon says:

    I think you are bitten. Looks like a good bite to have.

  3. Mary Anne says:

    Yes, I will be offering them on my website, but I am not sure exactly when. Keep watching my blog and I'll let you know when they are available. Thanks for looking.

  4. Rodney says:

    Mary Anne I can't even speak the language that you speak. There are too many new words I have never heard of. It looks like you keep busy. I hope it all goes well in Texas.

  5. Max and Deanna says:

    I didn't tell you but I use that Levi bag you gave me everyday. I carry my work to and from the office.

  6. aef says:

    I'm afraid that hexamania is also contagious and I've been bitten. I saw these batiks in the raw during our Quilt Odyssey trip and lusted after them. Seeing them as hexabags is even more impressive. They've really come into their own and the buttons work perfectly. So when's the next road trip? You're going to need more batiks and that 10% discount at Zooks might be within your reach. WOW!

  7. The Quilting Pirate says:

    For those of us not going to Houston, are you selling them by mail? Those are gorgeous pins!

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