Yesterday I intorduced the “Free Quilt” to George. It was love at first sight..JPG)
Now I am working on quilting the small inner border. I used my Bernina to go along the edge. Last time I used George for straight stitching it wasn’t that straight. Maybe I should have kept practicing with George in this quilt because with all the wild fabrics you would have never realized if I was stitching straight or not.
But an interesting thing – I quilted on George for the entire top with free motion and my shoulders were relaxed and no strain. After just quilting (with my Berinia) part of the in-the-ditch on the white borders I started to feel the shoulder strain. Have to figure out what I am doing differently and correct it.
“Free Quilt” and George look very good together. I can hardly wait to see it in person.
Happy quilting!