Donation Quilt completed

Yesterday I spent most of the day trying to get my desk under control. It has been left to its own demise for way to long, so that will have to be today’s project as well. But, last night I did quilt this donation quilt (36″ square). While looking over a few quilting blogs I saw this tutorial by Vivian and decided to give it a try on this donation quilt.

Not quite exactly like hers, but it was fun anyway. I was telling my husband last night that machine quilting is kind of like handwritting, each person can make the same letters but they all look so different.

I quilted at a really fast speed and the little knots appeared again. Lesson learned – quilting is harder to control at a really fast speed (but it does get don’t alot quicker).

2 Responses to “Donation Quilt completed”

  1. jolie says:

    The quilting… super!!

  2. Max and Deanna says:


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