To cough or not to cough (I wish I had a choice!!!!!)

A week ago Sundy I started to develop a cough. Since Tom and I work in the Nursery with the young children we felt that I should not go to church. Well, I never dreamed that I would still be dealing with that cough today. And yes, I did have to disappoint my nursery fans once again yesterday. In fact, I ended up sleeping most of the time Tom was gone to church.

On Tuesday I present “The Legacy Lives On – Five Generations of Quilters” to the Warwick Valley Quilters. It was a little over 1 hour drive from Pelham. That lecture really pushed my voice to the limit. I was really glad that I had my new wireless ampliphier. That really help. I have finished the “On the Go” HexabagTM pattern. I sold three! YAH!!!!! The rest of the week I was working on getting the draft of for the “Spring Fever” hexabag completed. I have had these patterns hanging over my head for way to long! I completed the draft and had Tom proof read it on Thursday evening. Now I am ready to send it to the testers.

All day Friday I spent finishing the Fall Color Wheel wallhanging.
Friday afternoon Chris was working on is Halloween costume and I was working on the wallhanging. I wanted to have something going on the TV, so I decided to put the X-file DVD to work. I probably would have worked faster (and Chris too) if the TV would have been off. Oh, well, four episodes on Friday and two on Saturday. (Thanks Emily and Jennie, enjoying the Christmas present.)

Anyway, I was making the wallhanging for the Stone’s (Temple president and matron at the Manhattan Temple). There last day was Saturday, Oct. 27. They have been there since April of 2004. It is going to be different having a new president and matron. Anyway, because of my cough I did not go to the temple Friday night. I finished the wallhanging at 10 pm., drove to the city to pick-up Tom (and deliver the quilt). Tom had the quilt put on Pres. Stone’s desk.

Here is a close up of the quilting on the artificial leaves that I put on the corners with 606 Spray.

I used another leaf for the label on the back of the quilt.
Sis. Stone called at 9:00 am on Saturday morning and raved about the quilt. She was thrilled. They had started work at 5:00 am at the temple and she said that she had been waiting since then to call. It’s fun making something for someone when you think they are going to appreciate it and they do.
This morning I woke-up at 5:30 am (no this is not the norm!) and was coughing, so not wanting to disturb Tom I went downstairs to my sewing room. I had hopes of finishing another project to post in this weeks blog, but I need ink for the printer to print the label and I don’t want to post anything about it until it is completely FINISHED!!!!! So, that will have to wait until next week. If all goes as planned (ha, ha, ha!!!!), I should have a few projects to share next week.
Until then (and hoping that I am not coughing by then) Good-bye and enjoy your week!

2 Responses to “To cough or not to cough (I wish I had a choice!!!!!)”

  1. Emily W says:

    Now I thought that you were doing a different quilt for the Sis. Stone, because you posted pictures of a work in progress on oct. 1st, what happened, what changed?

  2. Emily W says:

    I want to see pictures of the halloween costume that Chris was working on too!

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