The Bag Lady

I am beginning to fee like the bag lady. Today I was out working in the flower beds and a lady stopped by and wanted to thank me for selling her an American Girl Doll pattern last year. She then asked if I had any patterns for a bag that she could use to take to the city. Just the type of question the “BAG” lady like to hear. I then went in the house and came out with my HexabagsTM. She liked them and wante to make one. Well, I told her that I am working on the pattern but it will be a couple of weeks until it is ready.

Yesterday I was wondering why I ever thought I could publish a pattern. I guess I want my patterns to be very well written and not leave someone scratching their head wondering what they should do next. Needless to say, this is a very labor intensive project. But, then later I printed out what I had done already and put the pages in one of the official plastic bags, and it looked pretty good.

These are two of my latest HexabagsTM. I have some ideas for othe bags but I keep telling myself that I need to complete the patterns that I am working on before I go on to another bag.

Tom and I went to Utah for Jason’s graduation and Ty’s baby blessing. It’s great to be with the Grandkids (and their parents).

Here is Grandpa and Grandma with our three grandchildren. , Prairie (almost 1 year old at the time of the picture) , Ty (born March 9, 2007) and Autumn (3 years old)

Here is Autumn playing with a little table and chair that her Aunt Christy gave her for her dolls.

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