The 2010 Challenge quilts were due at the January Northern Star Quilters guild meeting. Of course since I am the Queen of the Last Minute Projects, I was finishing up this quilt after my children’s sewing classes the night of the guild meeting. I have really got to start getting things done earlier – it is getting hard on my nerves to cut things so close.
Below is a summary of the guidelines for NSQG 2010 Challenge:
The year 2009 was a hard year for many people around the world, but it was also a year of renewed hope. This challenge is an opportunity to create a quilted expression of what you hope the year 2010 will bring to you, your family, your country or your planet.
Finished quilt is to measure 20 in. high by 10 in. wide. (Vertical orientation ONLY!)
The number 2010 must be incorporated in the quilt design.
Incorporate ONE or BOTH of the following words in the design of your quilt: “HOPE” “WISH”

Here is the sketch of my idea for the challenge. Of course I had to include some of my 3-D works, so flowers were just the thing.
Here are a few of the reject flowers:

I was going to do Sunflowers, but the first yellow one looked too much like the Sun, so I decided to do different colored flowers. I can’t remember why this cute little purple one was a reject – but it was.

This pretty hot pink flower measures just under 5″ across – kinda of big for a piece that is only going to be 10″ wide.

I really like this pink flower – but again I didn’t do it small enough. It was smaller, but not small enough. It measure 4 3/4″ from point to point across. It has 24 points, that is a lot of little pieces to sew together.

Now talk about crazy. This little flower was the correct size – but it was more 3-D than I wanted. I didn’t think this piece need a pink volcanco in it. Back to the sewing machine. I was getting pretty tired of ALL these problems!

View of the volcano from the side.

Finally – success with the flowers. I was getting tired of piecing flowers, so I opted to do a half flower for one of them. I like this shape of flower. I think I will have to incorporate it into a larger Sunflower piece that I am working on.

I am dedicating this small wallhanging to my daughter as she is dealing with a pending divorce.
The voting for this challenge is on February 16 March 16 (it was postponed because of a snow storm). I’ll post pictures of the front then.