Christmas Highlights

This year Tom and I were in Utah for Christmas. I flew out on December 16 to have a few days to get my fix with the girls. Tom flew out on December 20. We had a great time and appreciate our kids sharing their Christmas with us. Playing in the snow.

Autumn’s snowman head.

Prairie playing with the wood nativity puzzle.

Making a Princess Gingerbread Castle.

Prairie and Autumn in the red dresses that Emily and Jennie wore about 20 years ago.

Making Pretzel chocolates

The Weinheimer’s

Grandpa and Grandma with the Grandkids

Sining Christmas carols on Christmas Eve.

Prairie and Autumn in their new PJs on Christmas Eve.

Tom opening #13 Revisited

The three girls chillin’ on Christmas morning

The glider rocker that I recovered for Emily while in Utah

Jennie and Janardan on Christmas morning

Nativity scene made by Autumn

Horsey (aka Grandpa) and Autumn

Emily’s “get-up” for chopping onions

Jennie’s writing dress that I finsihed while in Utah

Ty in his new toy

The boys playing with Ty’s train set

Seeing the Christmas lights at Temple Square.

Ty loves his trains.

We did more than dream of a white Christmas this year!

Ty skating.

How tall can he make this tower?


Oh well – Grandpa can help build it again.

3 Responses to “Christmas Highlights”

  1. terificreations says:

    Looks like a great trip!
    Merry Christmas.


  2. Rodney says:

    I would say it looks like the Ciccotellis had a lot of fun in Utah.

  3. Renee says:

    Looks like you guys had a great time with the girls and grandkids… it also looks really cold!

    Welcome back!

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