I have been busy since my last post teaching the Children’s sewing summer camps. The last camp ended on Thursday, Aug. 23. During the 8 weeks of camp 800 hours of sewing took place in my studio by the campers. No wonder I feel tired. You can view pictures of alot of the students projects at:
I have also been able to get a little time in at the sewing machine myself. Last year I was the program chair for the Village Squares Quilters. At the February meeting me made wheel chair bags. I made a mistake when cutting the kits and all the bag kits were cut the wrong size. During June I decided to fix the problem so I figured out a way to make the bags the right size (bigger than the original size). After fixing the miscut kits I then started to work on using up a collection of decorator fabrics that I have collected over the years from different sources. Also about this time I also received a fabric donation from the mother of a past student. This donation also contained a lot of decorator fabric. Instead of wondering what I was going to do with the decorator fabric I start to cut it into wheel chair bag kits. Today 80 of the wheel chair bags that I made were delivered to the outreach coordinator of Village Squares Quilters who will in turn make sure the bags are delivered to Burke Rehabliaton Center for their rehab. patients.
Tom and I visit an older lady from our church. She has been a nursing home the past year and has finally realized that she will never be able to return to her apartment. So, we are in the process of closing her apartment for her. (I really must throw a bunch of stuff away so our kids won’t have such a mess to go through when we are gone.) Anyway, Anna’s birthday is one week from today. She will be turning 80 years old. She had three sons that have predeceased her, and does not really have anyone else in the area. She has latched on to Tom as her son. For her birthday I am making her a quilt. She said that she liked blue and black. So, this is what I have come up with for her quilt. This should add some color to her room also.
My newest quilt project is a “Back to School” quilt. This will be hung in my studio for the kids to stand in front of for their pictures in September and the first part of October.
I decided that the “Back to School” was to big but I could not face cutting out all those individual pieces again. So I got out my embroidery unit for my Bernina and designed the lettering on my computer and downloaded it to my sewing machine to stitch it out. I was pretty happy that I figured out how to do that. Now I am working on stitching the wording for the crayon border. I am making eight different colors of crayons that will be scattered around the outside of the calculator quilt.
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on Tuesday, August 28th, 2007 at 8:51 pm and is filed under Quilt: Back to School, Quilts.
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I like Anna’s quilt, it is going to be really pretty. The back to school quilt is pretty creative. Are you going to put the number for each block in the block anywhere?
Good work Mom, can’t wait to go to Idaho.