Archive for the ‘Donation Project’ Category

A quilting machine!!!!!

Monday, November 12th, 2007
I missed getting this picture updated there I wanted it – so the description will come later.

This past week-end I quilted four quilts (all were at least twin size). Tom was attending the second week-end of Woodbadge training, so I spent most of the week-end in the basement quilting.

Here are the 30 wheel chair bags that I made. They will be donated to the Village Squares Quilters and will be given to Burke Rehabilation Center.
At the September Village Squares meeting member we were asked to bring a UFO (Unfinished object). At the meeting we would turn in our UFO and take another person’s UFO home. Above is the block that I received. I decided that if my husband can sleep under a pink quilt, then I could use this quilt for the Veteran’s project. I added some borders and turn it into a twin size quilt for the Veteran’s project.

Here is a detail of the quilting. I used a black/gray varigated thread. I like how the the gray shows up occasionally and makes the loops and then disappears.

This is my first Veteran’s quilt. Last Spring I was given a fabric donation. When I recieve fabric this way I try to make a least one donation quilt from the fabric that I have received. The above plaids were pieced together with out any sashings. I cut the squares apart and added the black sashings and borders.
Close-up of the quilting.

On the second quilt I decided that a enough was enough and I just used the plaids the way they were and added the borders.

(This is where the first quilt on this blog is suppose to be, but I can’t figure out how to move pictures around after I get them uploaded. 🙁 )

A few years ago I received the center panel from the Pelham Quilters. I was suppose to quilt it and then something was going to happen with it. Well, I was a slacker and never got it done, so when Village Squres Quilters asked the Pelham Quilters to help with the Veteran’s quilt project it was decided that I would use the panel and add borders and make it large enough for a twin size quilt for the Veteran’s project.

Detail of the quilting.

This quilt top was pieced by Nancy from The Quilt Cottage.
Susan Wolamn spray basted it and I quilted it.

Detail of the quilting. I did alot of loops this past week-end.

This quilt was made by Lorraine Smith of The Pelham Quilters.

I took it and quilted it this week-end.

This quilt was peiced by Tom’s mom. I have had it around for a couple of years waiting to be quilted. I always say that I am going to get it done this Christmas, well this year I DID!

The next three photos are details of the different quilting I used on it.

Queen of the LAST MINUTE!!!!!!

Thursday, October 18th, 2007

I know that it is not Monday, but that is where the Queen steps in. On Monday evening I went to the Garden State Quilters and presented The Legacy Lives On – Live Generations of Quilters. I stayed overnight in Chatham, NJ and taught The Color Wheel Magic workshop on Tuesday. Well, being the Queen that I am, I was rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off on Monday trying to get everything together for the workshop that I wanted (and needed).

The persentation and workshop went well. I did pick up some pointers and now I am rethinking the cuting of the project because we spent about 2 hours cutting during the workshop. If we would have had most of that time on the back-end, most of the students would have completed the color wheel during the workshop. So, major redoing in the way I have students prepare for the class. Also, I need some practice of using the camera for the class and how to show the steps. I choose a light gray for the background fabric and there was not enough contract between the fabric and the table. So, another point to rethink.

Anyway, this sharing is cutting into the post for next week.

Village Squares Quilters will summer challenge charity quilts – fabrics donated from Blank Fabrics.

This past week I had the monthly meeting for Village Squares Quilters. I am the president this year and have really worked hard to keep the meetings moving. I was thrilled when we adjorned the board meeting and I looked at my clock and it was 11:15 am. Exactly when we were suppose to be completed. I think the agenda with times noted on it has really helped all in attendance be aware of how long they are taking (and other keep them on track because they don’t want to loose time to someone else.)

Completed color wheel kits

On Wednesday (the Queen stricks again) I ordered the additional fabrics I needed for the color wheel kits from and they shipped them very promptly so I was happy (and saved from having a BIG problem.

At the end of the week the fabrics arrived and I was cutting (and cutting, and cutting and cutting (it seemed) color wheel kits for the workshop I was talking about. There are 12 colors with a light, medium and dark of each of these 12 colors. So, a total of 36 fabrics in the kit.

After I had the kits completed they it was time to make one more color wheel out of the exact fabrics that are in the kits. Then, of course to be a good teacher, I needed to design and work on the handout (complete with picture examples). Now you can see why I was rushing at the last hours on Monday.

Well, I am home now. Which fire should the Queen work on next. (Maybe next year I can organize things to be able to step down from my title, but until then …………….I am glad that I have a patient husband that loves me and will put up with me and all my crazy last minute things that I do.