The quilting continues slowly

I have been quilting grid lines in the background of the borders and it TAKE FOREVER. This type of quilting was inspiried by the gift bag that this quilt is bases on. After reading a post by Feather on a Wire I realize that it is not just me that takes forever to quilt grid lines. I am looking forward to geting to a quilt that has some more freeform to it.I have figured out a better way to do the grid lines though after reading Vivan’s blog. I am using a ruler as my guide – much easier to get straight lines this way. Just have to watch to keep the lines at a 45 degree angle. I ended up having to take out some lines because I didn’t do that very well. Seems that’s the story of this quilt – frog stitching (ripped).

I have the bottom left corner and side to complete the grid quilting.

Even though it takes forever, I do like the grid quilting.

I think the circle and gird are a fun contrast. After discovering the ruler for the stright lines, I have been trying to figure out where I can get circle templeates for the ciricle quitling. I’ll let you know if I find something.

P.S. I LOVE the wool batting!!!!!!!!

4 Responses to “The quilting continues slowly”

  1. Feather on a Wire says:

    This is the perfect quilting for this quilt. Glad you put in the extra effort.

  2. Jennie Yri says:

    That quilting is looking awesome

  3. Bethany says:

    The circle quilting and grid quilting look wonderful together. They really set off the quilt. You did great.

  4. Emily W says:

    Oh my goodness Mom, that quilting is AMAZING! You know I am a sucker for patterns, so I love the planned out quilting and your execution looks perfect.

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