Projects while in Utah

I flew to Utah a week ago Sunday and came on on Thursday. I was really busy while there. I helped Jennie get more settled into her apartment (which is in the same house as Emily’s apartment). It is a great arrangement for me when I am visiting. They have a covered porch between the two apartments so I don’t even have to go out side to go from one place to the other. Emily is in the process of decorating her living room. She had this orange fabric so she had me made the new couch cover. (See the pillow I made from all those little scraps?)

Here is a picture of the love seat (that I recovered over our Christmas visit ) and the small quilt I made for Emily’s birthday.

I have made a tied quilt for both Autumn and Prairie and they love these tied quilts. This is the tied quilt I made for Zephyr. I really like the animal print. I think it is really cute for a little boy.

Emily pieced this quilt for Zephyr. She decided to not do the applique blocks. I quilted it while in Utah and now Emily has the fun part of sewing on the binding.

Here is the back of the quilt.

My last night in Utah we tied this quilt for Prairie. Emily is decorating the kids room in fish. Lots of fun.

One Response to “Projects while in Utah”

  1. Randy and Susan Landon says:

    I assume Zephyr is the name for the new baby that Emily is having. Do you ever sleep?? You accomplish so much.

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