Last week I attached the label for this quilt. I have started including more of the story of the quilt on the label and they are BIG. So, I attach the label before I quilt so that the label will be quilt into the back of the quilt.
Here I am triming away the backing fabric from the quilt.

The label is completed, I decided to include my practice bees also.
Last Friday I pin basted the quilt and started quilting. George seems to be out of practice and I had some problems with the tension.
But…………..I didn’t think to check until I had done a bunch of quilting. (I know – I KNOW BETTER!!!!)
Saturday morning and afternoon was spent taking out this quilting, but since the tension was off it came out pretty easy. I then tried my free motion circles again, but they just weren’t exact enough for me, so I took them out again. One night I dreamed up an idea of how I could get nice even circles.
See the tutorial to see what I am doing.