Anyone for a FUN batt????????

After pin basting the donation quilt I kind of had the bug to get the few LARGE bags of batting that I have hanging around under control. So, I pulled these bags out and set out to sew the pieces of batting to together in a size that would be good to use for my donation quilts. Here is some of the batting piles on the table while I am figuring out how best the pieces will fit together.

Here I am cutting the two pieces so I can sew butt the sides together and sew them together.

Here is one of the “FUN” battings. (Oh yah, you are NOT going to see all my hard work, oh welll, I am sure my mom is happy looking down on my frugal actions and smiling.)

I was able to piece 13 donation size batts from my scraps of batting. This should keep me going for awhile.

One Response to “Anyone for a FUN batt????????”

  1. Renee says:

    I never thought of piecing batting. That is a great idea. I have so many pieces that I thought I would never use.

    Thanks for the tip!

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