Not as bad as it has been in the past, but I really do’t want it to get that bad. Having the children’s sewing classes four afternoons a week does enoucrage me to clean-up before classes start. Today is a holiday so I have another day before I have to do the mad dash to get things cleaned up. Anyway, Teri posted about a Contest for the messiest creative space. I don’t think I’ll get to much cleaning today because here is what is on my
To Do list for today:
1. Finish binding comfort quilt that a group of us have made for a friend. (BTW – I quilted it last night and into the early morning hours.
2. Quilt and bind my challenge quilt (voting is tommorow, so watch for the progress post tommorow.)
3. Make 12 bibs to turn into the Outreach coordinator at the Village Squres Quilters meeting.
4. Preparations for the VSQ board meeting (since I am president I should try to be alittle organized).
5. Prepare “Easy Does It’ for President’s Challenge award.
After I get all that done I will just sit around and eat bon bons and watch TV – oh yah – I have my 1 1/2 year old grandson here. Much better things to do thatn sit around and watch TV. I did stay home from the zoo so I could get some work done. Anyway – back to work.
Wow Mary Anne I told my DMIL that if I knew you at all you would have been working on that quilt finishing it last night or early today. I was right on both counts! While I think my space is a bit messier at the moment yours competes quite nicely.
Thanks for the bib reminder. Once I get the labels on the challenge quilts I’m going to finish those bibs!
OK, that would be my to do list for the month. How in the world are you going to get a binding on the comfort quilt in a day??? Do you not do the binding by hand on the back??? Did I miss at tip somewhere?
He is getting soo cute!
Busy Lady–cute, cute little boy.