Last Saturday Tom had a bunch of things that he wanted(needed) to get done. I asked him what I could do to help him. He started to name the things that he wanted to do and one of them was to clean the bathroom. I said I could do that. I got out the cleaning supplies and went to work. Tom came in the bathroom and mentioned that he had used the same supplies and could not get the mold off the bath tub. Well this is all that needed to be said – I was bound and determined to get rid of the mold now. I scrub and scrub and scrub. I then used some bleach and I did get rid of the mold. Well, now I was on a roll, I now continued to deep clean the entire bathroom. The last thing I did was to put the RED rugs and towels (which are only for looks) into wash. A while later I went to the the basement and realized that the carept was damp (no WET!). During my investigation of what happened I determined that a box of tissues had fallen into the utility sink where the washer drains and the water could not go down the drain and went into the floor. And alot of water went onto the floor.
Oh Mary Anne, I hope things are dried and the carpet clean! Yipes, I know what kind of mess that is…
PS thanks for the Google Reader tip, makes things so much easier!