The great Exodus from the living room to the basement begins.

This is one of the young women and her sister from my ward.

This is the YW president. She was actually in the Young Women’s program with Emily when we lived in Maryland. It is a small world.
This the YW’s president’s son. He was in the Nursery when Tom and I worked in the Nursery. When his mom said that she was going to the Ciccotell’s he want to come.
Will came and worked for us on Saturday. He was GREAT help. If you need a good worker, call Will.
Tom working with the shelves to get them JUST RIGHT!
(Tom is so good at stuff like that.)

A lunch break.On the right are Chris and Christy.

Thanks to EVERYONE that came and helped.
It was a very HOT day but no complaints were heard.

***************DRUM ROLL PLEASE *************


Shots of how my studio looked Saturday night just before we went to bed.

Think I will be doing some Sunday sinning to get ready for camps that start on Monday.

One Response to “”

  1. Etta says:

    Wow! That’s a big project.
    We don’t have basement in South Florida houses.

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