Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

It’s great being a Grandma!

Monday, October 20th, 2008
Here is Ty with Grandpa playing with the trains.

Four generations of Ciccotelli’s
The cute M&M costume Christy made for Ty’s Halloween costume.

Jason, Ty and Christy on Coney Island beach.

Lunch at the original’s Natahan’s

The 3 Ciccotelli boys.

Contest for the messiest creative space

Monday, October 13th, 2008
Here’s a glimspe of my studio. After preparing for the workshop last week and working to complete the pattern lots of stuff is just out. Also, Jason (SS), Christy (DL) and Ty (1 1/2 yrs old grandson) arrived on Saturday afternoon. So all the stuff that I did not get put away from the main floor also came down to the basement (and Tom and my’s bedroom).

Not as bad as it has been in the past, but I really do’t want it to get that bad. Having the children’s sewing classes four afternoons a week does enoucrage me to clean-up before classes start. Today is a holiday so I have another day before I have to do the mad dash to get things cleaned up. Anyway, Teri posted about a Contest for the messiest creative space. I don’t think I’ll get to much cleaning today because here is what is on my

To Do list for today:
1. Finish binding comfort quilt that a group of us have made for a friend. (BTW – I quilted it last night and into the early morning hours.
2. Quilt and bind my challenge quilt (voting is tommorow, so watch for the progress post tommorow.)
3. Make 12 bibs to turn into the Outreach coordinator at the Village Squres Quilters meeting.
4. Preparations for the VSQ board meeting (since I am president I should try to be alittle organized).
5. Prepare “Easy Does It’ for President’s Challenge award.

After I get all that done I will just sit around and eat bon bons and watch TV – oh yah – I have my 1 1/2 year old grandson here. Much better things to do thatn sit around and watch TV. I did stay home from the zoo so I could get some work done. Anyway – back to work.

Autumn working on her pillow

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008
During my sewing classes Autumn wanted to work on a pillow that she had started on a previous visit to Grandma’s.

She did excellent sewing this visit.

NYC with Autumn

Tuesday, September 30th, 2008

On the way home from taking Emily and Prairie to the airport Emily saw the skyline of New York City. We was pretty excited about the tall buildings and said that we should go in everyone of the tall buildings. So, a couple of days later I decided that we needed to take a trip down to the Empire State Building. Here we are just before getting on the train to the city.
Autumn was so fun at the top. She loved seeing all the tall buildings and the tiny cars.

One of her favorite things was the pigeons.

Here is Autumn’s keepsake from visitng the Empire State Bulding.

I Love the Space on George

Wednesday, September 17th, 2008

Last night I was quilting on Emily’s quilt and I was just working away and then I realized that I was quilting on the side of the quilt but had the entire 86″ stuffed in George and it didn’t even seem tight. This is what machine quilting is suppose to be like.

Emily working on her froggie quilt – shhhhhhhh it’s a NOYB (None of your business) project

Jennie modeling her new pants and blouse that she completed.

Janardan playing games.

Tom working on our cars for the “Night at the Races” activity coming up this Saturday.

Grandpa Tom and the girls.


Friday, September 12th, 2008

The next few days is going to be a Stay at home vacation – thus Staycation. The past few Septembers the girls have come with me to Idaho to visit my father. We spend the week sewing. Since my dad passed away in February we decided to still get together but they would all come to my house and enjoy the NEW studio. Emily (and her two daughters) and Jennie (and Janaradan) arrived on Wednesday. Yesterday we had a somewhat lazy day. Some of us attended a baby shower for Edna (who is expecting twins). I work with her in the Young Women’s in my ward. After we returned from the shower we actually got going on some of our projects.
Emily is working on piecing a feedsack quilt she is marking. This is the second one she is making from this pattern. She wants to (or have me) quilt it on George . Jennie is trying to decide what project she wants to work on. She said that she wished that she had brought something to quilt because she wanted to try out George. I got out a bunch of projects that I said she could quilt. She is going to quilt a Halloween stack n’ whack I pieced a few years ago.
Autumn and Prairie played outside, but when it started to rain they decided that it was time for a movie.
I started working one of the blocks for the back of The Generations Unite. This quilt will have six generations represented (and worked on by four generations. The footprints are Prairie’s when she was 5 days old. Jennie choose the paper-piecing hummingbirds and
Emily choose the Easy Piece blocks in the corners. One down, thirteen to go, then to had my Folded hexagons.

Celebrating our 10th Anniversary

Friday, June 20th, 2008

Today Tom and I have been married 10 years. He is very supportive of me and my adventures and we celebrated our wedding anniversary last week-end so I could attend the NQA Quilt Show. So, I am here in Columbus, OH and Tom is in New York. Please see my post from last year to see pictures of our wedding day.

It has been a wonderful 10 years! Here’s to many more!!!
(I love you Tom!!!!! xoxoxoxox)
Pictures from our fun time while we were celebrating in Columbus:

Train Museum

Columbus Temple

Concert in the Park

OHIO Historical Museum


Ohio State

Motorcycle Hall of Fame

My Visit to Utah – April 2008

Wednesday, May 7th, 2008
The girls picked me up at the airport in Salt Lake City and our first stop was to JoAnn’s. It great that both daughters like to sew. I think my little granddaughter loves fabric also.
Autumn decorating her flip flops.
Documenting her project – what did we do before digital cameras?
Visit to Aquarium in Salt Lake City area

My grandson – Ty (1 year old in March).
Jelly fish.

Prairie and Ty
Prairie helping her mother.
Autumn inventing the PERFECT hairdo!

My Visit to Cape Code Quilters
I stayed at this Lodge on Thursday evening.
Pictures from the guild’s Show and Tell.
On Block Wonders (fun way to use Stack n’ Whack blocks).

Maybe I’ll whip some of these up for me and the girls (oh yah, be all made an agreement that we were not going to think like that anymore.)
My visit to the water on Friday morning.

TAX TIME Repentance

Monday, March 24th, 2008

I am sure you have heard of death bed repentance – well my thing this past week has been TAX TIME repentance. This past year I have not been up on the paperwork of my business, so I am having to do it ALL now. And I am sure it is alot HARD doing it so far after the fact.

While I was in Utah Autumn and I went and had a specail Granddaughter-Grandma breakfast at I-Hop. Afterwards we went over to Wal-Mart for a bit. While there Autumn picked out fabrics for dresses for her and Prairie. On Thursday, I decided that enough was enough, I was going to sew these dresses for my granddaughters. So, Thurday evening and Friday day I made these dresses, then I overnighted (The Queeen of the Last Minute strikes again) them to Utah on my way to the temple.
Easter Sunday is always spent with Tom’s family. They have a tradition of taking pictures after breakfast. Here is our families picture for Easter 2008.

My Dad

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

My Father passed away on February 20 so Tom and I were on an airplane the next day to Idaho. My Father was 84 years old and lived a very good life, work HARD, and loved his family very much. I stayed in Idaho one week and then went back to Utah with my two daughters and their families and stayed there for an additional three days.

This is a quilt I made for my Dad’s 80th Birthday.
At his party everyone signed the back of the quilt.

Here are a hammer and saw to represent the love my father had of construction.

The greats (as referred to by my parents)

The grandkids and their spouses

Kids and their spouses

Prairie (top) and Autumn (below) enjoying their cake at the luncheon after the funneral.

Back in Provo, Autumn playing in a big box in their backyard.