From the lack of postings on my blog you might think that I have just been watching soaps and eating Bon Bons, well not true. I have been working on some new projects but my guilty conscious kept me from sharing. I had one project that was on the top of the To Do list but I was not working on it. I was working on other projects, but just kept everything to myself. Well, the jackets are in the mail, so now I can share what I have been working on.
I have had two skelton fabric panels for YEARS and have done nothing with them. A few weeks ago one of my sewing students was going through the Halloween fabric and asked if she could make the skelton. I said yes and then I decided that I should make the other one to hang on my studio door. It’s complete. The skelton even glows in the dark, but not for a picture (I tried).
Here are a couple of other easy Halloween projects I made to hang in my studio.

The Pelham Art Center holds an annual fund raiser each year. They ask the different artists to donate a piece to be auctioned off (either live or silent). This is the quilt that I am working on for this event. This really has to be finished very soon. The event is Nov. 3. This quilt makes me think of Argyle socks, so I think I will name it “Argyle”.
I think the embellishment is what makes this quilt look cool.
The last thing that I have worked on does not have much to show for now, but hopefully in the Spring. I dug up all the old Summer flowers and planted some Spring bulbs. I have been wanting to do this for years. I usually still have the bulbs around in December and the ground is frozen solid – to late again! Well, this year it’s done and it feels GREAT!
Very beautiful yours jobs :)))
You’re amazing.