Last week during camp a couple of the students asked be about this quilt that I had on the design wall last year (2007) during camp. Well, that was all I needed to be encouraged to pull it out. And while I had it out I decided to work on it. (I am pretty fickel about hoping from project to project!).
This is how the quilt looked when I pulled it out of the UFO pile.
After looking at it I decided that I wanted to change the border color. I don’t know what I was thinking when I put the white border on it. (CRAZY!) I also decided to take Emily and Tom’s suggestion and put numbers on the keys so it would look more like a calculator. Well, do you realize that the numbers on a calculator are not in the same location as the numbers on a telephone? After I had seven of the numbers embrodierd on the keys I realize this very important fact. I had the number in the wrong location. Because I was trying to eleminate confusion and not cause more confusion I started to unpick the tight stitching of the numbers. One good thing – the 4-5-6 were in the correct location.
Here is the calculator (not a telphone) with the numbers on the keys and the new border (a brown so maybe you get the imperssion that it is sitting on the table or something like that.
These are the crayons that I will scatter on the border. I think this is going to be really fun.
Sewing and Beyond with Mary Anne Ciccotelli
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Mom, I love how this is coming along, i can’t wait to see it finished!
That’s looking fun!