I started this Winter Wallhanging last (2006) fall to hang in our living room during the train day, but then Tom decided that he wanted to use the wall space to project The Polar Express movie on. So I put the wallhanging away so I wouldn’t feel bad about not hanging it up. Well, this year I checked with Tom and he said that he didn’t want to project the movie* so I decided to pull this UFO out and worked on completing it. I finished sewing down the binding on Friday evening when I was sitting** in the car before I went into work at the temple.

*That was unitl the actual day, and then he asked if I was going to set-up to projector. A little drama, but we worked it out. The quilt stayed up and I set-up the portable DVD player for the movie.
**To get a parking space I try to arrive down in the city around 5:30 pm. The meters are 1 hour until 7:00 pm, so I sit in the car until 6:00 pm, feed the meter my $1.50 and walk to the temple, change into my white clothes and ready for the 6:30 preparation meeeting.

2007 Train Day

Last year I completed the curtains for the windows and train board. I pieced the quilt top, but did not get it quilted.

This year I decided to try and get the quilt top quilted. I completed some of it, I stayed up until 4:30 on Saturday morning working on it. I did get it done enough to put on the bed during for Train Day. It will probaby stay in that state for awhile because now I should be working on my NOYB project.

If I would have just stuck with the quilt I would have had a better chance of getting it completed, but I had also wanted a pillow sham. I didn’t a big enough piece of the village scene, so I had to piece it in 2 places.

Last year when I was piecing the quilt top the original design used the red checked as corner stones. I didn’t come close to having enough red checked fabric so I took matters into my own hands (or better computer). I copied a section of the red checked fabric and then printed it out on to fabric. I kept repeating this until I had enough for all the corner stones. As it turned out, I decided that the corner stones were too much, so I didn’t use the red checked fabric. This week when I deicded to make the shamm I decided that a red checked border would be just what was need. The fabric that I printed was only 10″ long and was not long enough for the borders. Again I used my piecing technique to make the stripes long enough. My favorite part is how I was able to match the corners. I bet you can hardly see where the seam it.

The line of sewing on the black is only a basting stitch, when I get the pillow sham completed (who knows what year that will be), that will be taken out.
Here is a close-up one of the snowflakes. I embrodieried the snowflakes on my embrodiery unit of my sewing machine.
More snowflakes.
If you want to see alot of pictues of Tom’s train layout, you can visit his blog.
We had around 50 people come to the train day. It is like a openhouse and poeple come as they want. A bunch of our nursery kids came. It was kind of fun to see their faces in they walked into our home. They didn’t know exactly what to think. They are use to see Tom and me at church, but they didn’t know quite what to think about seeing us somewhere else.

Down in the living room we had a small wooden train layout. The little ones enjoyed playing with this also. I wonder at times if the parents are convienced it is a good idea to come because many of the small children cry when they have to leave.
Village Squares Quilters
Veteran’s Quilt Project
In September members of the Village Squares Quilters were asked to help complete 48 quilts to donate to Common Grounds. They are building a transition home for homeless Veterans.
You can read an article that the Journal News ran about the project.

This Tuesday the guild donated 62 quilts to Common grounds. Prior to the presentation all the quilts were displayed. It was very overwhelming to see what a group can do if they work together and have someone inspiring them. Rosalind is a real go getter. She is the one that helped inspire others to work so hard. None of us could come close to keeping up with her.
Thank you Rosalind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here they are setting up the quilts for the display.

Many of the quilt!!!!
This entry was posted
on Friday, December 14th, 2007 at 8:31 am and is filed under Donation Project, Quilt: Polar Express, Quilt: Winter Wallhanging, Tom's Trains.
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All those quilts for common grounds look so neat. I think it is so cool to see so many quilts in one place ready to be used by people that really need it. Also I love the snowflake quilting on the wallhanging, and I really like the quilting on the train quilt around the snowflakes, it really enhances the snowflakes. Can’t wait to see it in person.