constructed by Mary Anne Ciccotelli
Pelham, New York
November 2000 – November 2007
This project was started November 2000 in Ames, Iowa. My daughter Emily and I went to visit Iowa State University during her senior year to see the campus and check out the programs the school offered. Her boyfriend (at the time) was attending Iowa State, so needless to say, I had a lot of time to fill by myself. Luckily, there was a JoAnn’s fabric store in Ames. I found a book with the pattern for this advent calendar in it. I love to collect nativity scenes so I decided this was the perfect project. I also decided that I should make three – one for me and one for each of my daughters. I purchased little bits of fabric and other needed supplies and started working on the nativity figures that weekend in Iowa.
Each Christmas season, I would pull this project out and do a little more work on it. This past September, as I was preparing for my visit to Idaho, Emily suggested that I bring these wallhangings to Idaho and work on them. I did not quite get them completed while in Idaho, but I did continue to work on them. At last, these projects are off my UFO list.
(From the pattern – Glad Tidings Advent by Art to Heart)
There are 23 figures and the wallhanging. I am thinking put can put the wallhanging up Dec. 1 and then move a figure to the manger scene each day up until Christmas. I only did 24 things because then you can complete the scene on Dec. 24 when you still have time to enjoy it. Because when Christmas comes everyone is usually so busy with the gifts to put the last item on the scene.
This is one of my favorite figues. I love how I used ends of toothpicks for the drumsticks.

oh my goodness, you crack me up!
Exciting about the nativities being done, and I like the Christmas tree–it looks pretty fun.
nice NOYB mom. I really like the Christmas tree, I think it will look really cool. I also like your Christmas tree ornament. It is nice to know that you are using those fabric scraps that I so unceremoniously dumped onto you. It looks just like my Christmas tree skirt.